Online talk at 2.0 Digital Books Days
It was an honor to talk about my experience of designing book covers as a part of the Digital book days organized by Telenor and Bookmate
It was an honor to talk about my experience of designing book covers as a part of the Digital book days organized by Telenor and Bookmate
It was a pleasure to be a guest on the show Club 2, hosted by the wonderful Ana Vuckovic Dencic.
You can hear the conversation at the following link:
It was a blast to be a part of the Big Berry Art colony at the beautiful Kolpa river and paint my first mural about partnering with local farmers and small manufacturers.
Below you can find a few words I said about that experience:
Proud to be published in Camo Mania, a book about new disruptive patterns in design, by Hong Kong based Viction:workshop publishing house.
Check the book here